Damn, DOC. You should have trademarked that sh*t.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Good Advice in the August 2018 Study Edition WT
by neat blue dog ini've heard numerous people here say something like, 'the best revenge is living a good life'.
well, apparently the wt agrees, in the august study edition:.
at times, people maysay unfair or critical things about us.
Two May 19th articles about Lauren Stuart who killed her husband & two children-left a video & suicide note blaming sexual abuse & exclusion
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5748191/woman-blamed-sexual-abuse-ostracism-jehovahs-witness-reasons-killing-suicide.html.
revealed: ex-jehovah's witness turned model, 45, left a video and suicide note blaming childhood sex abuse and exclusion from her religion for killing her husband and children.
lauren stuart of keego harbor, michigan had been researching suicide methods on youtube and videos on how to use a glock for weeks .
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@StephaneLaliberte: "Religious people go against their instinct. That is, they will feel this way until the fault comes down to their religious beliefs. Then, they will stop reasoning, and turn everything upside out. They are unable to consider the possibility that their could be something wrong with their faith."
EXACTLY THE SAME sentiment is expressed here at 07:04 into the video. These four minutes you'll listen to are the most heart-wrenching, frustrating and anger-inducing comments you'll hear from Witnesses rationalizing the suicide of a distraught son being shunned. Parents wouldn't even read his suicide note in case it contained anything "apostate". That was their final act of shunning:
Hospitality - How not to.....March 2018 study article.
by punkofnice inwhat do you make of this part of the march 2018 watchtower study edition?.
2 among other things, peter urged his brothers: “be hospitable to one another.” (1 pet.
4:9) the word “hospitality” in greek literally means “fondness for, or kindness to, strangers.” note, however, that peter urged his christian brothers and sisters to be hospitable “to one another,” to those whom they already knew and associated with.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I remember when I was younger and going house to house with my father, he would say to the householder, "Imagine if everyone in the world abided by just the one verse, the 'Golden Rule', how different things would be. 'Do unto others...'" and he'd let them finish the well-known Christian quote.
I guess my old man misunderstood the term "others" and misapplied it to include everyone outside of the Watchtower. Or maybe Jesus got it wrong and needed some New Light.
New rule! Treat others (the world) with INhospitableness, the way you don't like to be treated.
Hospitality - How not to.....March 2018 study article.
by punkofnice inwhat do you make of this part of the march 2018 watchtower study edition?.
2 among other things, peter urged his brothers: “be hospitable to one another.” (1 pet.
4:9) the word “hospitality” in greek literally means “fondness for, or kindness to, strangers.” note, however, that peter urged his christian brothers and sisters to be hospitable “to one another,” to those whom they already knew and associated with.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
"Note, however, that Peter urged his Christian brothers and sisters to be hospitable 'to one another,' to those whom they already knew and associated with."
Really! Let's take a look at Matthew 5:47, then, shall we?
"If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that." - New Living Translation.
Watchtower's rendering of the words "one another" is nothing but a self-serving mutilation of the original text. Furthermore, they are in no position to bemoan that the rest of the world is uncooperative with Witnesses when it is they themselves who are against helping those outside their minority group.
Watchtower members, take a look at the stimuli you're putting out there in the world: segregation, selfishness, hostility and entitlement. What you put in, you get out.
So what would "Perfect Life" REALLY be like?
by stuckinarut2 ini wonder sometimes just how jws try and comprehend what perfect life would really be like if "adam and eve" had not sinned?.
how would we live?
what would the realities be like?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Omg imagine no WiFi.
We just enjoyed a wonderful experience! Richard Dawkins live.
by stuckinarut2 inwe just enjoyed a wonderful evening seeing richard dawkins live in sydney.
it was an event to promote his latest book, and was another opportunity to expand our "god given" brains!😜.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Now go compare Science in the Soul by Dawkins w/ credit to Hitchens to Rutherford's The Finished Mystery with Posthumous credit to Russell.
Foetus baptism
by Fay Dehr infoetus baptism - surely coming to a watchtower study article soon?
jw parents are reminded of 2 ti.3:14,14 "from infancy you have known the holy writings".
and the watchtower explains the greek word bre'phos "infancy" as follows: "...it is generally used of an unborn child.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
entire world*
Foetus baptism
by Fay Dehr infoetus baptism - surely coming to a watchtower study article soon?
jw parents are reminded of 2 ti.3:14,14 "from infancy you have known the holy writings".
and the watchtower explains the greek word bre'phos "infancy" as follows: "...it is generally used of an unborn child.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Kind of like how Islam teaches that everyone is born a Muslim.
JWs would love it if this applied to their faith because then they'd have grounds to completely shun the entire would for not bowing to the Governing Body.
Two May 19th articles about Lauren Stuart who killed her husband & two children-left a video & suicide note blaming sexual abuse & exclusion
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5748191/woman-blamed-sexual-abuse-ostracism-jehovahs-witness-reasons-killing-suicide.html.
revealed: ex-jehovah's witness turned model, 45, left a video and suicide note blaming childhood sex abuse and exclusion from her religion for killing her husband and children.
lauren stuart of keego harbor, michigan had been researching suicide methods on youtube and videos on how to use a glock for weeks .
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Lauren’s father told police that he had not spoken to his daughter in years and that her mother died when she was 13. He said that he never cared for her husband and that he believes “Dan pulled Lauren away from the family.”
One of Lauren’s sisters told police that she had not spoken to Lauren in six years and that she, too, believes “Dan pulled Lauren away from the family.” She told police that Lauren and her husband both suffered from mental illness and that they “fed off of each other.” She said her sister was deemed “Apostasy” for speaking out against the JWs and leaving the organization.
Sometimes my heart wells up with so much despair that it hurts to just beat. Lauren's father and sister sound almost GLAD about what happened. I'll bet Lauren knew that they would react this way, too. The top reason for people taking their own lives is when they believe their existence is doing their family/loved ones a disservice and that those around them would be better off without them.
To Lauren's father and sister: you have BLOOD on your hands. Your sociopathic approach to kinship was undoubtedly a driving force behind this heinous tragedy.
Cults and extreme belief
by Butyoucanneverleave ina&e has a new show this season called cults and extreme belief.
the second episode will air on 5/29 at 9:00 pm and jehovah's witnesses will be featured.
hopefully they do a good job exposing them for what they really are.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@OrphanCrow... Do you believe in reincarnation?
I'll wait for the penny to drop ;).